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Frequently Asked Questions
SPED Achievement
Knowledge Base
SPED Achievement
Special Education Services
Do you provide Speech and Language support?
My child has behavior issues related to their disability. Can you support me with this?
I have two children with special needs. Will you support both on the SPED Achievement Plan?
My child has some fine motor skills issues that impact on their academic achievement, and I need to extend the support they receive at school. Is Occupational Therapy included in the plan?
Individual Education Plan
Will my specialist be able to attend my child's IEP meeting?
Who has access to my child's IEP once I've uploaded a copy?
I don't think that my child's IEP goals are the right skills to target. Will my specialist be able to provide me with support on this?
I think I may need to file a Due Process Complaint because I disagree with the school about my child's IEP. Are you able to represent me?
I disagree with my child's school about their current placement. Can I get an independent assessment from you on the Plan?
I'm wondering if my child would benefit from technology. How can you help me with this?
I need a referral to a psychologist because I suspect my child has ADHD. Will my specialist be able to give me a referral?
What kind of resources will I find in the Resource Library?
Our family is planning to fly for the first time. Will you be able to provide me with some guidance on how to prepare my child for this event?
This isn't easy to ask, but my other children often act out and I believe that they feel ignored due to the amount of attention I spend on my child with special needs. Can I find this kind of support in the SPED Achievement plan?
Not sure where to begin?
Not sure where to begin?
Not sure where to begin?